Beth Campbell
Board Certified Massage Therapist

Services & Rates

Swedish Massage

50 minutes: $90.00
80 minutes: $135.00

Swedish Massage utilizes light to moderate, rhythmic techniques to interrupt the stress cycle and help the mind and body to reset and reconnect. Minor muscle pain is gently swept away as your stress melts away, allowing you to be "in the moment" once again.

Deep Tissue Massage

50 minutes: $100.00
80 minutes: $150.00

Deep Tissue Massage is a physically intense form of bodywork for the purpose of addressing specific Musculoskeletal issues caused by traumatic or repetitive injury and postural/structural problems. Pressures and techniques are customized for your preference and tolerance.

Hot Stone Therapy

80 minutes: $150.00
2 hours: $200.00

Hot Stone Therapy is an ultimate relaxation experience that incorporates basalt lava stones heated to your preference and applied with gentle massage techniques to soothe and relax the body and the mind. Adding the dynamic of heat to your massage increases the relaxation effect and allows access to deeper layers of muscle tissue without the intensity of deeper work. Hot Stone Therapy is the best choice during cold or damp weather, and can help relieve the aches and pains associated with inclement weather and the "blues" of seasonal depression.

Sports Massage

50 minutes: $100.00
80 minutes: $150.00

If you're preparing for an athletic event or recovering from one (or both), there's a therapy for that! From Trigger Point Therapy to Hydrotherapy to Cryotherapy and a variety of stretching and mobilization techniques, we can customize a session to help you recover and get you back in the game.